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Portraits In Leadership
From Tuesday 16 February 2010 -  08:00pm
To Tuesday 23 March 2010 - 10:30pm
Contact Rabbi Menachem Gansburg



Do you find yourself caught amidst trying times, uncertain about your future?

Are you struggling to muster the inner resources to move forward?

Experience a breathtaking saga of six leaders who paved the road to Jewish destiny.

With the rise of Rome came the fall of Jerusalem. But through the strength of their personalities and the wisdom of their hearts, these men and women transformed a tale of uncertain future to one of resilience and renewal. See how timeless values helped our people weather their darkest hours. These portraits of uncompromising courage and character are sure to calm your fears, infuse you with hope, and inspire you to unleash the
power within.

One part biography,
One part history,
All parts inspiration

Course Overview

Lesson One: 
The Facilitator

To say Hillel was humble would be an understatement. But to call him a pushover would be a lie. Meet the man who had patience and respect for those who seemed to least deserve it.

Lesson Two: 
The Negotiator

You could call him a revolutionary, but it wasn’t the government he overthrew — it was his own teachers and colleagues. Courageous in the face of criticism, Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai daringly proposed a solution that no one else dared consider.

Lesson Three: 
The Independent

He was willing to sacrifice everything in his life except truth. The loss of influence, esteem, and position could not force him to bend. Rabbi Eliezer was willing to endure loneliness, but found solace in his own absolute integrity.

Lesson Four: 
The Optimists

Here was a man who should have called it quits before he started. But, buoyed by the encouragement of Rachel, his wife, Rabbi Akiva showed the tenacity and resilience to build and rebuild again.

Lesson Five: 
The Iconoclasts

A maverick who refused to toe the party line, his brilliance was matched only by that of his wife, Beruriah. Maintaining contacts in places that others dared not go, Rabbi Meir earned the trust of those who could admire him but could never really understand him.

Lesson Six: 
The Visionary

He did not wait for crisis to force his hand. Creating alliances and carefully cultivating friendships, Judah the Prince used his influence to secure the well-being of our people. He then took on the daunting, monumental task of recording a generation of oral tradition.


Location 90 Marmion Ave, Toronto
Register Online:

Or call 416-546-8770 x29 * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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